MUC Bank Recruitment 2016 | 70 Clerical Trainee Recruitment 2016

MUC Bank Recruitment 2016 - The Meshing Urban Cooperative Bank  has started recruitment 2016 process for seventy (70) Clerical Trainee posts. Candidate having master degree like M.Com/M.Sc/MBA/MCA may be qualified for this Gujarat based bank job. Candidate may cinfirm the MUC Bank vacancy official announcement through official website and same can be use to fill Clerical Trainee online application through website before 10.07.2016.

MUC Bank Recruitment 2016 

Name of Vacant Position: Clerical Trainee
Number of Posts: 70
Salary Offered: Rs. 10000/- (Rupee ten thousand) for first year and Rs. 17500/- (Rupee seventeen thousand five hundred only) aftre three year

Eligibility Requirements
  • M.Com or M.Sc or MBA or MCA or equvalent qualification.
  • Candidate as for clerk trainee should be twety one (21) years
  • Maximum age condition is thirty five (35) years
  • Agree to Rs.100/- (Rupee one hundred only) as examination fee
[Candidate eligible for this MUC Bank recruitment, they are also eligible for various new bank jobs issued by various public and private banks. So check the above said post to see the complete list. ]

Selection: Bank will arrange online examination and candidate who qualified in exam will invite for interview. Bank will soon issue MUC Bank Admit Card 2016.

How to Apply
The Meshing Urban Cooperative Bank is responsible for this Clerical Trainee recruitment so candidate who found themselves eligible for MUC Bank Recruitment 2016 may reach bank's official site and apply online before 10.07.2016

Important dates
MUC Bank Clerical Trainee Application Due Date: 10.07.2016
 Important Link
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