DDA Recruitment 2016 | www.dda.org.in 675 Group A, B & C Vacancies

DDA Job Registration Starts ar dda.org.in
Delhi Development Authority was founded in 1955, it is considered as sixty one (61) year old private company which was formed to development of Delhi. DDA has started recruitment 2016 process for thirteen (13) posts, out of which two (02) posts each open for Deputy Director, Assistant Director, Junior Engineer and remaining for other various position, post and department wise details given below. Candidate wishing to get job opportunity in Delhi DDA may check all eligibility requirements and apply through proper channel. Candidate may use www.dda.org.in website to confirm this employment notice and and online application process, apply from  21.05.2016 to 20.06.2016.

DDA Recruitment 2016 - www.dda.org.in

Total Number of Posts: 13
Total Number of Vacancies: 675

Post Wise Vacancy Details
01. Dy. Director (PR) [Group A]: 01
02. Dy. Director (Pg) [Group A]: 07
03. Asst. Director (Plg) [Group A]: 12
04. Asst. Director (Ministerial) [Group B]: 15
05. Asst. Accounts Officer [Group B]: 80
06. Legal Assistant [Group B]: 24
07. Asst. Section officer (ASO) [Group B]: 80
08. Section Officer (Hort) [Group B]: 101
09. Junior Engineer (C) [Group B]: 240
10. Junior Engineer (E/M) [Group B]: 59
11. Junior Hindi Translator [Group B]: 06
12. Stenographer Grade-D [Group C]: 30
13. Patwari [Group C]: 20

Check: Latest Delhi Jobs 2016 [All job seekers who only want Delhi Government Jobs updates may note we have already created special webpage which will provide Central and State Government Jobs alert open for Duty Location in Delhi]

Salary Offered: Rs 15600 - 39100 + Grade pay Rs 6600 (Rupee six thousand six hundred only) (PB-3) GP Offered Rs 5400 (Rupee five thousand four hundred only) for PB-3 GP Offered Rs 4800 (Rupee four thousand eight hundred only) (PB-2)

Selection: Candidate who applied will soon able to download DDA Admit Card / Hall Ticket 2016 online through official site. This will issue to only shortlisted candidates who applied for DDA Vacancy 2016. And admit card issued to candidate need to appear in online examination, date and place will mentioned in hall ticket.

Check:  12th Passed Jobs [Candidate who passed High School Examination may be happy to know government every year hire thousands of candidates at various government department, so check above post for latest jobs opening ]

How to Apply
Delhi Development Authority is responsible for this Group A, B and C notification so visit company's official site www.dda.org.in to download vacancy notice and apply online from 21.05.2016 to 20.06.2016.

Complete Process to Apply Online
  • First prepare all the things which required at the time of online application  
  • Only correct details need to fill
  • Use only valid email ID, department can communicate through this email ID
  • First reach to official site: www.dda.org.in
  • Now reach career / jobs section 
  • Check all details to ensure meet with eligibility
  • Now fill applicant details like Personal Details, Academic Details, Age, Address, Mobile and other details.
  • Before submit please check details are correct as per documents
  • Take a print out of the filled DDA recruitment application form, which will be very useful in the future. 
Important Dates
DDA website  (www.dda.org.in) lines will open for new registration: 21.05.2016
Due date to apply online: 20.06.2016

Important Links
Vacancy Notice: http://dda.org.in/tendernotices_docs/Advertisement170516.pdf
Apply link: http://www.dda.org.in/ddanew/jobs.aspx

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