Latest Government Recruitment News in Delhi 2016
As we all know that everybody wants government job when they get qualified from universities etc. The reason behind people’s choice towards government jobs are just because they feel more secure in government sector than private. Every time when we talk about the government jobs, then first word which comes into our mind is Delhi, which is a place who accommodates people from all over the origins. Being the capital city of the country Delhi has grown up with high intensity during long past decade.
Delhi is also known as state in which country’s capital city located . There are lot of people who turns over here every year to get quite good jobs. Lot of opportunities has already been created in this state for the candidates from different fields. There are some departments where government jobs are open like administrative, financial, accounts and executive level also. Some departments like MCD has been opening the vacancies for their department after some time in the whole year. They also announces beneficial remunerations and other benefits like Insurances , medical facilities etc.
Government jobs in Delhi or anywhere would give you whole life guaranty. People across the whole country would prefer govt. jobs rather to move towards private sectors. The work load in private sectors is also a huge point in this topic, as we all know there is less burden of work in govt. sectors than private ones. facilities which has been provided by govt. to their employees attracts people towards these jobs. Like Holidays are also matters here in govt. sectors.
All those who have specific qualification to get any type of job in government sectors can apply for these jobs directly through us. These are hugely beneficial through socially reputation and mentally also. To get all these lifetime facilities, apply for govt. jobs in delhi .
All Latest & Upcoming Government Jobs in Delhi
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Delhi Metro Rail (डेल्ही मेट्रो रेल) published vacancy notice for 114 Assistant Manager, Junior Engineer & More. Apply online at before 26.06.2016.
| Check Not | |
Delhi Development Authority (डेल्ही डेवलपमेंट अथॉरिटी) published new recruitment drive for 675 Group A, B, C & D Vacancies. Apply online at website before 26.06.2016
| 12th / 10th / Graduation / Master Degree | |
Prasar Bharti |
Prasar Bharti published employment notice for recruitment of (38) Language Intern.
| Graduation and Diploma in Concerned Language | |
University College of Medical Sciences (यूनिवर्सिटी कॉलेज ऑफ मेडिकल साइंसेज) published vacancy notice for Teaching Faculty.
| Post Graduation Degree in relevant discipline | |
Serious Fraud Investigation Office (सीरियस फ्रॉड इन्वेस्टीगेशन ऑफिस) open various vacancies for Additional / Jt Director, Deputy Director, Senior Assistant Director & More.
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Delhi Education Department |
Delhi Education Department (डेल्ही एजुकेशन डिपार्टमेंट) looking new employee for 326 Vocational Guidance Counsellors.
| Master degree in Psychology with Diploma in Guidance and Counselling. | |
Delhi High Court |
Delhi High Court (डेल्ही हाई कोर्ट) open latest jobs for Oath Commissioner and more.
| Advocate (LLB) | |
National Council of Educational Research & Training (नेशनल कौंसिल ऑफ एजुकेशनल रिसर्च & ट्रेनिंग) published recruitment advertisement for Computer Typist, MTS, Consultant & More
| 12th / Diploma / Bachelor Degree | |
Medical Council of India (मेडिकल कौंसिल ऑफ इंडिया) now needs employee for Lower Division Clerk, Computer operator, Computer Operator, Deputy Secretary & More
| 10th / 12th / MBBS / Diploma | |
Intelligent Communication Systems India Limited (इंटेलीजेंट कम्युनिकेशन सिस्टम्स इंडिया लिमिटेड) published new recruitment notice for 130 Nurse, Skilled Worker & More
| 10th / 12th / Diploma | |
Information Technology Research Academy (इनफार्मेशन टेक्नोलॉजी रिसर्च अकादमी) published notice for recruitment of Web Developers, Technical Assistants, Network Administrators & More.
| PhD / Master Degree | |
DRDO | Defence Research and Development Organization (डिफेन्स रिसर्च एंड डेवलपमेंट आर्गेनाइजेशन) invites applications for Junior Research Fellow, apply now. | -- | |
Sahitya Akademi |
Sahitya Akademi (साहित्य अकादमी) issued employment news for Senior Library & Information Assistant, Technical Assistant, Public Assistant , Multi Tasking Staff & More
| 10th / Bachelor Degree / Graduation / PG Degree | |
Election Commission of India (इलेक्शन कमीशन ऑफ़ इंडिया) open vacancies for Team Lead, Computer Programmer, System Engineer and Network ENgineer.
| BE / Graduation / M.Sc / B.Sc in concerned field | |
Central Road Research Institute (सेंट्रल रोड रिसर्च इंस्टिट्यूट) now invites applications for Technician/ Technical Assistant & More Posts.
| 12th, graduation, diploma, MD/MS, DM/MCh | |
Air India |
Air India needs 300 employee for Trainee Cabin Crew (Male & Female)
| 12th | |
The Municipal Corporation of Delhi (म्युनिसिपल कारपोरेशन ऑफ डेल्ही) now looking for 288 employee for DBC Worker, Assistant Public Health Inspector & Assistant Malaria Inspector.
| 10th / 12th / Diploma | |
Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences has offered job opportunity to interested candidates for Senior Resident, Nurse, Junior Nurse, Patient Care Executive, Staff Assistant, Junior Staff Assistant & More. Online application registration system available at website and candidate can use online form to apply online before 15.06.2016
| 12th, graduation, diploma, MD/MS, DM/MCh | |
Rajya Sabha Secretariat |
Rajya Sabha Secretariat has open vacancies for seventy two (72) posts Junior Video Editor, Junior Camera Person, Camera Person and more posts. Candidate desirous to get job in this department may read advertisement and apply only for post complete the minimum eligibility. Candidate can directly attend interview program from 09.05.2016 to 13.05.2016
| Graduation / 12th | |
Rajya Sabha Secretariat |
Rajya Sabha Secretariat has open vacancies for seventy two (72) posts Junior Video Editor, Junior Camera Person, Camera Person and more posts. Candidate desirous to get job in this department may read advertisement and apply only for post complete the minimum eligibility. Candidate can directly attend interview program from 09.05.2016 to 13.05.2016
| Graduation / 12th | |
The National Commission for Women, New Delhi now needs qualified and skilled people for Stenographer, Assistant, Private Secretary & other posts. This excellent jobs opportunity specially open for women category candidates. There are twelve different department posts so click on apply now to know all information and download application form
| See Notification | |
New Delhi Municipal Council has uploaded vacancy circular to fill forty two (42) Senior Resident and Junior Resident. Candidate will select on contract basis for six months or till such time posts are filled by regular basis. Candidate should bring all original certificate and other documents at the time of interview.
| Graduate / Post Graduate | |
South Delhi Municipal Corporation (साउथ डेल्ही म्युनिसिपल कारपोरेशन) invites online application for eighty six (86) Junior Engineer (Civil) & Junior Engineer (Electrical). All desirous people can participate in job program online by 10.05.2016.
| Degree in Civil Engineering / Degree in Electrical Engineering | |
Power Finance Corporation Ltd is public sector company provide financial services. PFC recently invites applications online mode for sixty (60) Consultant–Urban Vidyut Abhiyanta (UVA). PFC website lines already open for new applications candidates who meet with requirements click on "Apply Now" link and fill details.
| BE/ B.Tech in (Electrical/Electronics/IT/CS) | |
Central Reserve Police Force has received green signal from Government of India to make appointment of six eighty six (686) Head Constable (Ministerial) हेड कांस्टेबल (मिनिस्ट्रियल). This is the time to fulfill your desire so click on Apply Now check full public notice and participate as per instructions.
| 12th | |
The National Textile Corporation Limited, Govt of India decided to make selection of specialist officer for General Manager, Dy General Manager and Senior Manager
CA/ICWA, MBA & LLB & relevant experience
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Delhi Police
Delhi Police Recruitment Board has notified new advertisement for 4669 Constable Jobs
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The Wildlife Crime Control Bureau notified new recruitment news for Constable, Inspector, Stenographer
12th / Graduation
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Solar Energy Corporation of India updated recruitment page for new jobs for Manage, Additional Manager, Senior Officer and More.
Engineer Graduate
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Delhi Metro Rail
DMRC Jobs announced recruitment news for Manager / Electrical (मैनेजर / इलेक्ट्रिकल)/Assistant Manager / Electrical (असिस्टेंट मैनेजर / इलेक्ट्रिकल), Senior Section Engineer / Electrical (सीनियर सेक्शन इंजीनियर / इलेक्ट्रिकल)& Junior Engineer / Electrical (जूनियर इंजीनियर/इलेक्ट्रिकल)
Retired from Railway or other government jobs as mention.
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Delhi Shiksha Prasar Samiti
Delhi Shiksha Prasar Samiti offered 588 new recruitment for Counselor, Junior Clerk & Peon (काउंसलर , जूनियर क्लर्क & चपरासी).
12th / 10th
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Energy Efficiency Service Limited recruitment notice for 96 Executive, Non Executive , Fixed Tenure Executive & Fixed Tenure Non Executive
12th /Degree
| |
Defense Scientific Information & Documentation jobs opening for Apprentices (Library & Information Science) अप्प्रेन्टिसेस (लाइब्रेरी & इनफार्मेशन साइंस) & Apprentices (Computer Science) अप्प्रेन्टिसेस (कंप्यूटर साइंस)
Degree / Diploma/B.Tech in
Library & Information Science | |
National Buildings Construction Corporation Limited jobs for Dy. General Manager (Finance) (डिप्टी जनरल मैनेजर(फाइनेंस) ),
Additional General Manager (Finance) (एडिशनल जनरल मैनेजर (फाइनेंस)) General Manager (Finance & Engg) (जनरल मैनेजर (फाइनेंस & इंजीनियरिंग) |
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| National Book Trust jobs vacancy circular / recruitment news for Junior Stenographer / Assistant / Upper Division Clerk (स्टेनोग्राफर / असिस्टेंट / अपर डिवीज़न क्लर्क) |
10th / Degree/Bachelor Degree
| |
Income Tax Department
| IT Department released new recruitment news / advertisement for 137 Data Processing Assistant (डाटा प्रोसेसिंग असिस्टेंट) candidate from all over India can apply. |
Master Degree / Bachelor Degree
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| Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited Jobs open for 66 Junior Telecom Officer (टेलीकॉ अफसर) (Telecom/Electrical/Civil) with very attractive pay scale. |
B.E. / B.Tech
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Defence Research and Development Organization jobs open by government for Apprentices (अप्प्रेन्टिसेस)(Library & Information Science / Computer Science ) with monthly salary Rs. 4984/-
Degree in Library & Information Science / Technology