Punjab National Bank Recruitment 2016 *New Notice* Apply at www.pnbindia.in

Punjab National Bank was founded in 1894 and now it is one hundred twenty two (122) year old public section bank provide Banking and Financial services to more than eighty millions customers in the country. Last year PNB recruited candidates for posts like Hockey Players in Clerical Cadre, Probationary Offer, Manager, Officer (Fire), Management Trainee, Specialist Officer & More.

Punjab National Bank Recruitment 2016 - Hockey Player

PNB has started the bank recruitment process for eight (08) Hockey Player posts. This is special recruitment for candidate who played hockey in National or State Event. Candidate wishing to apply may reach www.pnbindia.in website to confirm this sports vacancy prpgram and apply  through prescribed application before 13.06.2016.

Vacancy Details
Name of Vacant Position : Hockey Players
Number of Posts : 08 Posts
Salary Offered: Rs. 11765- (Rupee eleven thousand seven hundred sixty five only)
to 31540/- (Rupee thirty one thousand five hundred forty only)

Eligibility Requirements
Interested candidate must be 10th class passed
Should have represented the State in a National event or the district in a State-level event
Important Links
Complete Vacancy Advertisement: www.pnbindia.in

Punjab National Bank Recruitment 2016 - IT Advisor

PNB Bank has started recruitment process IT Advisor (आईटी एडवाइजर) in Digitisation Initiatives and Finacle 10.X Migration. It is special recruitment drive for professional having MCA or Post Graduation and relevant experience. Candidate searching for new jobs in New Delhi and interested in this position advised to read article before apply. A special prescribed form uploaded by bank at https://www.pnbindia.in website so apply before 11.04.2016.
Vacancy Details
IT Advisor – Digitisation Initiatives
IT Advisor – Finacle 10.X Migration

Eligibility Requirements
Post 1: 1st Class Engineering Graduate/Master of Computer Appliacation. Post Graduate or higher qualification in areas relevant to the role will be preferred.

Post 2: Minimum Postgraduate

Maximum age condition for post 01 is fifty (50) years and sixty (60) years for Post 2.

Selection Process: Personal Interview.

How to Apply for PNB Jobs 2016

Punjab National Bank is responsible for this IT Advisor specialist posts and bank uploaded two separate advertisement alongwith application form available from second last page. Take printout in white paper fill details correctly with clean writing and send with supported documents to  The Chief Manager – Policy Punjab National Bank Information Technology Division 5, Sansad Marg, New Delhi – 110001 OR e-mail to itdpolicy@pnb.co.in on or before 11.04.2016.

Important Dates
The due date for receipt of application: 11.04.2016
Important Links 
Complete circular and application for post 1:  : https://www.pnbindia.in/Ad_IT_Advisor_Digitisation.pdf
Complete circular and application for post 2: https://www.pnbindia.in/new/Ad_IT_Advisor_Finacle.pdf