North Eastern Railway Jobs 2016 for 19 Trade Apprentice

You are here to know latest jobs open in North Eastern Railway. This post will provide the complete list of NER Railway Jobs with complete information. North Eastern Railway  has started new recruitment process for nineteen (19) Trade Apprentice (ट्रेड अपरेंटिस) which are for five different trades. Candidate wishing for this railway jobs must be High School passed with ITI in respective trade can apply in offline mode through prescribed application form. Candidate may use website to confirm this vacancy notice and apply before 16.06.2016.

North Eastern Railway Recruitment 2016

Name of Vacant Position: Trade Apprentice
Number of Posts: 19
Salary Offered: Rs. 5200 – 20200/-
GP Offered: Rs. 2000/- (Rupee two thousand only)

Trade Wise Vacancy Details
Fitter: 11 posts
Welder (G & E): 02 posts
Carpenter: 02 posts
Painter (General): 02 posts
Trimmer: 02 posts

Check: Latest Raiway Recruitment 2016 Updates [This link will redirect you to Latest Railway Jobs section where job seekers can find all latest opening announced by any railway board]

Eligibility Requirements
Matriculation, Higher School Examination and ITI in respective trade.
Candidate age should be fifteen (15) years to tweny four (24) years
Agree to pay Rs. 100/- (Rupee one hundred only) as application fee

How to Apply
North Eastern Railway, Divisional Railway Manager, Varanasi is responsible for this Trade Apprentice posts so reach recuitment area to check all important information and download prescribed job application. Apply offline mode before 15.06.2016.

Postal Address
Address : Divisional Railway Manager (Personnel), North Eastern Railway, Varansi, 221002

Important Dates
Due date for receipt of application: 15.06.2016

Important Links:
Vacancy Notice: